Be the Seed!
Since 2009, your donations haven't just funded a Program.
You've planted the seeds for drastically improving the lives of mothers, children, families, and communities by helping to reverse the chronic malnutrition, disease, and poverty that have plagued some of the planet's hardest-hit people.
Thank you for your support!
Working Together, We All Make a Difference
Our training and education program for sustainable food security, uplifting health, and creating new income opportunities is helping thousands of Guatemalans every year.
Thanks to your generosity, more families will gain the tools to build healthier lives with greater security - now and for future generations.
Your Donation Directly Funds Healthier, Brighter Futures
Your Donation's Impact:
● $25 - Provides a family with starter seedlings to cultivate nutrient-rich vegetables in their home garden.
● $50 - Provides families with starter poultry or rabbits for healthy protein and income.
● $100 - Teaches 5 mothers about nutrition for their family for better health and avoiding illness and disease.
● $250 - Prints illustrated nutrition guides for home use by 50 families
● $500 - Covers monthly pay for a field team member who trains and mentors up to 20 families
● $1,000 - Delivers new life-saving water filters with 3-5 years of use to 40 families

Legacy Giving
You may also contribute to Seeds for a Future by check, Donor-Advised Funds, IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution, or non-cash assets. For more information, visit our "Other Ways to Give" page.

We're Grateful for the Support of: