In a World Filled with Food Security Challenges, We Provide Solutions
Families in rural Guatemala have struggled with malnutrition and food insecurity for generations, leading to ongoing cycles of poverty and poor health that are hard to escape.
The Seeds for a Future Program provides integrated training and mentoring for families and communities to break these cycles of hardship and create better lives for themselves and future generations.
What is the Seeds for a Future Program?
In 2009, Seeds for a Future began its food-security training program for restoring the health and well-being of rural Guatemalans, who endure one of the highest rates of chronic malnutrition in Central America and the world.
Due to its impact and success, the Program continues to flourish throughout Guatemala.
Seeds for a Future isn’t only providing aid.
Instead, it incorporates a long-term strategy of health and self-reliance for families and communities in Guatemala, as well as throughout the world.

Generational Change and Resilience:
The methods and practices used by the program's participants to achieve food security, reduce disease and illness, and increase their opportunities become familial and community traditions.
These traditions are passed to future generations, contributing to healthier and more vibrant communities for generations to come.
Because of the Program's flexible and sustainable nature, it can be implemented in rural communities across the globe.
For an overview of how the Seeds for a Future Program works, link here.
Our Impact as of 2025:
The Program serves 19 communities located in 10 states across Guatemala
Over 5,200 Families have graduated from the Program
41,600+ people have benefited (avg family size = 8.0)
Thousands of home gardens created and maintained
Thousands of protein animals raised
20,000 native fruit, cacao, and timber trees planted and producing
Seeds for a Future Program Locations in Guatemala

The INCAP Research Study of the Seeds for a Future Program
An independent, randomized controlled trial of the Seeds for a Future Program was conducted from 2014 to 2017 by the internationally respected Institute for Nutrition in Central America and Panama (INCAP).
Funded by the Nestlé Foundation of Switzerland, INCAP’s research revealed that Seeds for a Future’s strategies and methods produce measurable positive improvements in the health of participating mothers and babies.
Follow-up interviews showed an extraordinary level of sustainability – more than 80% of study participants reported continuing one or more actions they had learned from the Seeds for a Future program.