Seeds for a Future and Sustainable Agriculture

Photo of participants of the Seeds for a Future Program planting a new permaculture garden.

Seeds for the Future is a non-profit organization focusing on food security and sustainable development projects in rural communities throughout Guatemala.

Through various initiatives, we have worked to improve the lives of Guatemalan citizens, promote sustainable practices, and protect the environment. In this post, we’ll explore the benefits of our work.

Background on Guatemala

Guatemala is a country in Central America with a population of approximately 18 million people. It is one of the most populous countries in the region, and also one of the poorest. According to the World Bank, more than half of the Guatemalan population lives in poverty, and nearly a quarter lives in extreme poverty. Poverty is particularly acute in rural areas, where many people lack access to basic services like healthcare and education. Additionally, Guatemala faces a range of environmental challenges, including deforestation, soil erosion, and water scarcity.

Seeds for the Future in Guatemala

Earl and Suzanne de Berge founded Seeds for a Future in 2007. They were passionate about promoting sustainable agriculture and environmental conservation by developing home gardens for families in rural Guatemala. Seeds for a Future has since expanded its work to include a variety of other initiatives, such as microentreprenuerism and education programs.

Our Program in Practice

Seeds for a Future works with local families to promote sustainable practices that create nutrient-dense soil to increase crop yields. Our work includes training on techniques like agroforestry, which combines trees with crops to improve soil quality and provide shade for the crops. We also provide families with access to high-quality seeds and other resources to improve their yields.

  • Step 1: A family applies to the Seeds for a Future program, likely having heard about the organization by world of mouth within their town
  • Step 2: One of our teammates (extensionistas) does an at-home visit and assessment of needs
  • Step 3: The family joins our program at a rate of Q10 per month ($1.25)
  • Step 4: Our team works alongside the family to create a high-producing garden and organize their home. The family also receives ongoing education about nutrition, plant properties and nutritional values, nutritious recipes, and more
  • Step 5: Ongoing support through check-ins and mentorship from our extensionists

Results from the Work of Seeds for a Future

One of the main ways that Seeds for the Future has made an impact on the quality of life of families is through the implementation of these sustainable agriculture programs. Through these programs, our organization has helped to improve food security in rural communities in Guatemala, with success rates of:

  • The Program serves 19 communities located in 10 states across Guatemala.
  • Over 4,800 Families have graduated from the Program
  • 38,400+ people have benefited (avg family size = 8.0)
  • Thousands of home gardens created and maintained
  • Thousands of protein animals raised
  • Thousands of native fruit, cacao, and timber trees planted and producing

Additionally, our focus on sustainable practices has helped to protect the environment and promote biodiversity in the region. However, we are most proud of the improved lives of the families we work with through the program.

For more information about the Seeds for a Future Program and how to offer support, please click the link here to explore!