Vermiculture is Added to the Seeds Food Security Program

We’re excited to add Lombricultura, or vermiculture, to the permaculture and regenerative methods we share with participating rural Guatemalan families.  This addition was announced at our April 27th Field Day — Dia de Campo — at the home of don Jacinto and doña Herminia in the village of Lolemi. Nearly 100 local families and assorted…

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Chocolá, Seeds for a Future’s HQ, has a Multilayered History.

The village of Chocolá, Guatemala, has a long and complex history, from the Pre-classic Maya period (2000 BCE to 250 CE), to the effects of colonization across Central America, to prominence in the early 20th century as producer of coffee, to today, as the community continues to seeks its forward path. Through the centuries of…

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Exploring the Guatemalan Kitchens Where Nutrition Comes to Life

Suzanne and I first visited Chocolá in 2004 as part of a volunteer group helping archaeologists investigate a pre-Columbian Maya site surrounded by volcanos on the Pacific piedmont in Guatemala. Archaeologists speculate that in the time of the Maya, and the Olmecs before them, the ancient city of Chocolá may have been a major regional…

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